Think You may have a roach infestation?
Roach Exterminator
One of the things most people can agree on is the creepy, crawly feeling you get when you see a cockroach scurry across your kitchen floor. Unfortunately, cockroaches are not loners, if you see one, there are likely several more.
If you think you may have a cockroach infestation or you’d like to take preventative measures, give our roach exterminator a call. We’d love to make your home of workplace feel clean and safe again!
Things You Should Know About Cockroaches
How do you know if you need a roach Exterminator?
Cockroaches leave several tell-tale signs that your home or workplace may have an infestation. It is best to act immediately if you suspect a cockroach infestation. Review these common signs and give our roach exterminator a call if you run into any of these:
#1 Look for Egg Casings
Egg casings left by cockroaches hold about 20-50 eggs; once they hach, the casings are left behind. If you spot casings, you may have an infestation and need in get in contact with a roach exterminator ASAP!
Cockroach egg casings are long, light brown, hollow shells that can be found in dark, moist, hidden areas, such as under your refrigerator, in bathroom cabinets, piles of wood, cardboard, or paper.
#2 Look for Droppings
Everyone’s gotta go, even cockroaches. This is a great way to determine whether or not you need to get a roach exterminator.
Most cockroaches species tend to leave behind small specs that look almost like pepper or coffee grounds. Some droppings can even be the size of grains of rice depending on the type of cockroaches in your area.
The best places to check for droppings are in the corner of rooms on the floor, tops of cabinets, or underneath your appliances like stoves or refrigerators.
#3 They Have a Smell
If you smell a musky scent in certain parts of your home or workplace. While a single cockroach won’t leave behind a stench, an infestation will. As the infestation grows, so will the strength of the smell.
#4 You See a Roach
Cockroaches are no loners, where you see one, there are many not too far away.
One thing to keep in mind is if you see a roach in your home or office during the day, then it is highly likely you have an infestation. This is because cockroaches are typically nocturnal, meaning they usually do not come out until late at night. If you spot a roach during the day, then it usually means that a cockroach was forced out into the open due to overcrowding from the nest.
Once you’ve determined you may have a roach infestation, it is best to take action immediately. Our roach exterminator can help!
#5 Pay Attention to your Neighbors
This is not to say you should creep on your neighbors and what they’re up to. It’s a good idea to still pay attention to things like a roach exterminator truck parking outside their home or if your neighbor mentions an issue they’re having.
In other words, if the people next door have a roach problem, then it’s more than likely you do too or are soon to have one.
Are Cockroaches Dangerous?
Some may ask themselves do I even need a roach exterminator? Are roaches even harmful and is it worth it?
Cockroaches are one of the dirtiest pest infestations a home or business can have. Some of the main issues cockroaches have include:
#1 They Carry Diseases
Cockroaches are known to carry and spread a minimum of 30 different types of bacteria. The types of disease-carrying bacteria that roaches spread include dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid fever, and cholera. Just breathing in the air of a cockroach infestation is enough to inhale a dangerous bacteria.
#2 Allergies and Asthma Spikes
Having a cockroach infestation can be harmful to those with sensitivity to allergens or asthma. The allergens that cockroaches carry cause asthma symptoms in people who do not have asthma and increase the symptoms of those already suffering from asthma.
#3 They Poison Food
These little buggers are survivors and within their set of survival skills includes scavenging. Cockroaches will eat anything from fruits and vegetables to meat and cheese, all they need is the means to get to it. Cockroaches are often seen or found in kitchens because they stay near their source of food. When cockroaches get into open boxes of food or storage containers, anything they touch or leave waste on can lead to tarnishing the food. If a human were to eat that food it could lead to sickness. Be sure to keep all food sealed tightly and be sure they can’t get to it.
Types of Cockroaches in Colorado
There are about 4,500 species of cockroaches across the world. 30 of those are considered pests. Luckily only about three of the 30 pest roaches are found in Colorado.
#1 German Cockroach
The German cockroach is the most common roach species found in Colorado homes and businesses. They are also the smallest of the three types in Colorado. Adults are typically 1.1-1.6 centimeters long, with light tan to black colors and two dark parallel streaks on the pronotum (the area on their back right behind their head). Learn more about the German cockroach.
#2 American Cockroach

The American cockroach is the second most common cockroach species to be found in Colorado homes and businesses. They are more commonly found in areas that produce a lot of steam, such as pipes or restaurants. They are the largest of the cockroach species in Colorado. Adults are typically 1.25-2.13 inches in length. They are reddish-brown with a yellow band or ring that outlines the area behind their head.
#3 Oriental Cockroach
The 3rd type of cockroach found in Colorado is the Oriental cockroach. They are typically found along pipes, closets, and basements. These cockroaches are typically 18-29 mm in length. They are dark brown or black with a very shiny or glossy body.